
Follow the Trend

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Software Power Ranking Stock

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Please do more research before placing buy or sell orders.

I Trade rely on Chart, looking 4 rumors is only wasting time

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Sabtu, Juli 11, 2009

Trx Foreign 100709

Transaksi asing Net Value Positif, Net Volume negatif, artinya mereka menjual 100 rumah RSS, lalu dia membeli rumah mewah 80 buah (jumlah berkurang, nilai bertambah), sehingga strategi kedepan, bermainlah dikawasan saham2 yg berada di posisi 10 value teratas.

PGAS sudah beberapa hari di akumulasi asing gede2an, kemarin diserbu, status HOLD.

Trio semen ada potensi menguat, dibarengi sektor property (Maintain BUY)

Si Komo Oil, COAL, CPO, Metal masih tidur ngorok (Stay away)

Sektor Bank seperti arisan, naiknya giliran(estafet), kemarin BBRI, giliran berikutnya mungkin diantara BDMN, BMRI, BBNI, BCA (Maintain BUY)



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Mining berada di area Support, namun penurunannya telah melewati MA 200 (garis hijau), Stochastic Golden Cross. Kita tunggu sampai ada tanda reversal yang baik, baru boleh mulai dicermati sektor Mining.
Kondisi ini juga dialami serupa oleh $DJUSCL (Coal)



Property update

Property saat ini masih konsolidasi, titik break out :
ELTY 335, CTRP 440, CTRS 600, CTRA 810

Klik Gambar utk memperbesar


Jumat, Juli 10, 2009

Banking Sector

Bank masih diarea Konsolidasi, kecuali BRI. Kita tunggu perkembangannya di BCA BDMN BMRI semoga terimbas arus positif dari BRI

Klik Gambar utk memperbesar


Kamis, Juli 09, 2009

Komposisi Buy & Sell 090709

Besok kita lihat ASII apakah bs menembus atap beton di 25800, karena dari komposisi buy dibawah 50% cenderung akan terjadi ngayun.

BBRI telah break out dari 6650 ascending trianglesnya yg dibentuk sejak bulan lalu, lalu menembus lagi Resistance 6950 (saat ini menjadi support terdekatnya), cenderung akan terjadi ayunan.



Aliran Break Out

Saat ini kita perlu mempersiapkan jurus loncat naik bis yg sedang jalan, hati2 jangan salah kaki, nanti bs tertukar kakinya.
BHSH (Buy High Sell Higher) atau juga biasa disebut jurus Break Out yg didukung Volume yg meningkat, titik ini ideal untuk yg sudah punya harga bawah lalu ingin menambah porsinya, jumlah lot nya tidak lebih dari setengahnya jumlah lot harga yg dibawah (Kerucut).
Atau juga yg jual kepagian, bisa buyback dititik ini

Cermati Saham yg hampir mendekati titik break out :
JSMR 1690, SMCB 1220, SMGR 5300, TRUB 192, ELTY 335, HEXA 2525, UNTR 11450

Gunakanlah Trailing Stop utk memproteksi posisi, karena bisa saja terjadi False Break yaitu berbalik kembali menuju titik break out dari arah berlawanan dengan konfirmasi dari volume yg meningkat.



Rabu, Juli 08, 2009

Selamat tinggal 1999

Kita harus makin optimis, harapan kami mudah2an IHSG tdk tersentuh lagi dibawah 2000, program buy when there is blood in the street, telah berlalu, tapi belum ketinggalan, krn sebagian besar barang2 bermerk pada saat ini masih diarea tampung (Moving Average belum golden cross).

Peluang selalu ada, ayunan selalu terjadi dan yg jelas adalah trading setelah Pilpres lebih aman karena sudah berada di zona kepastian.



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Selasa, Juli 07, 2009



komposisi Buy & Sell 070709

Mayoritas naik dengan prosentase buy diatas 50%


Stock List sorted by Power Rankings

Legal Note: For Education and Entertainment only
Please do more research before placing buy or sell orders

Stock Ticker Name

Power Ranking

Last Closing Price





Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Expansion Breakout:
The stock made a two month high and today's range is large.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Breakout of 50 day moving average on a large Range day:
The stock has traded through the 50 day moving average today or yesterday and it has a large range.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Breakout of 50 day moving average on a large Range day:
The stock has traded through the 50 day moving average today or yesterday and it has a large range.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Breakout of 50 day moving average on a large Range day:
The stock has traded through the 50 day moving average today or yesterday and it has a large range.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.

Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Breakout of 50 day moving average on a large Range day:
The stock has traded through the 50 day moving average today or yesterday and it has a large range.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.

Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Breakout of 50 day moving average on a large Range day:
The stock has traded through the 50 day moving average today or yesterday and it has a large range.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.

Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Buy on Breakout of 50 day moving average on a large Range day:
The stock has traded through the 50 day moving average today or yesterday and it has a large range.
This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.

Buy on Trend resumption after reversal:
The stock had a one day trend reversal and then has resumed the trend

This stock has a greater chance of going HIGHER in the short term - next 4 to 5 days.
Suggested Strategy: Buy a little above today's high and place a sell stop a little below today's low.




Senin, Juli 06, 2009




JKSE Big Sale masih ada 1 hari lagi, PTBA 10787 berada di titik supportnya (spec buy), hal ini pernah terjadi di tanggal 23 Juni, yaitu di 10100 menyentuh MA 60 lsg membal, apakah hal ini terulang lagi?


Minggu, Juli 05, 2009

Sektor Infra & Consumer




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